

You can expect first-class all-round service from Tophoven,
from advice to purchase processing and delivery, right up to maintenance for your umbrellas.


Whether by telephone, e-mail or
personal contact:
You, our customers, are always
in TOP company with us.

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Delivery & assembly

Short lead times
and simple assembly:
You can rely on
Tophoven products.

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Even with TOP products,
problems can occur:
Our services
ensure that everything runs smoothly.

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All-round service

Even the best umbrellas
need maintenance and care.
We will be happy to
look after that for you.

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Advertising printing

Umbrellas, tents and partitions
are ideal advertising media.
We will be happy to do
all printing for you.

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Round off your
umbrellas with heating elements,
light and much more.
For a perfect atmosphere.

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